Understanding how many reiki sessions are needed for optimal results depends on the purpose of the sessions.

Think of it like any other therapy, such as physio or counseling—it varies based on your specific needs. Whether it's for deep relaxation or severe pain and illness, the number of sessions required is unique to each person.
Here are some common reasons people seek reiki, how it helps, and the recommended number of sessions:
Depression: Reiki can reduce symptoms of depression, stress, and fatigue, promoting calm and mental clarity. A minimum of four sessions, one week apart, is beneficial.
Anxiety: Reiki relieves emotional stress and tension, creating deep relaxation and mental clarity. Regular sessions help clear energy blockages.
Serious Illness (e.g., Arteritis, Cancer, Fibromyalgia): Reiki is gentle and non-touch, ideal for pain management without side effects, reducing stress, and aiding emotional and spiritual healing.
Headaches/Migraine: Reiki can alleviate migraines by addressing both physical pain and potential emotional causes. Sessions focus on identifying and clearing energy blockages.
Neck, Shoulder, or Back Pain: The number of sessions depends on the pain's severity and root cause. Some may find relief in one session, while others with underlying issues may need more.
Life Direction: Reiki helps balance and calm, providing guidance on energy blockages and promoting deep healing.
Sleep Disorders: Reiki addresses causes like anxiety, depression, and stress, often resulting in deep relaxation and better sleep.
For deep relaxation, one session may be sufficient, while ongoing issues might require more. Each individual's experience is unique, and you'll know if further sessions are beneficial.
For specific queries or to book a session, feel free to contact me.
Love always,